Pat Harmon

Experienced Professionals that Help Companies Build Value by Increasing Human Effectiveness 

We are a provider of leadership development consulting, executive coaching and custom corporate education focused on helping organizations and individuals:

  • Build emotional intelligence capabilities to enhance interpersonal relationships and achieve high-performance leadership

  • Develop an innovation mindset

  • Employ a skill-based approach to creative thinking and innovation to generate new ideas incorporating artificial intelligence

Patricia Harmon, Ph.D. and associates have helped thousands of executives around the world employed by hundreds of corporations.

Benefits to Organizations:
We specialize in cutting-edge management consulting and tailor-made corporate education, blending artificial intelligence, strategic thinking, innovation, and emotional intelligence. We empower companies to transform their products and services, achieving not just incremental improvements, but breakthrough market differentiation, long-term profitability, and an eco-advantage.

Benefits to Individuals:
We focus on executive effectiveness, leadership development and executive coaching. Our customized programs ensure executives stay ahead in an ever-evolving business landscape. Psychological assessments go beyond the ordinary, encompassing elements such as emotional intelligence (EQ-i), 360-degree feedback, MBTI, and team profiles.